What Does an ENT Treat?

What Does an ENT Treat?

If you are in need of an ENT in Long Beach, CA, Dr. Jesse Tan, Dr. Jesus Tan, and Dr. Rose Eapen of Tan Head and Neck Center have a full-service practice that provides the treatments you need. ENT stands for ears, nose, and throat, so those are the areas that the doctors treat.

Throat or Thyroid Cancer

When it comes to throat or thyroid cancer, your ENT in Long Beach, CA will be the one to diagnose your disease and can perform any necessary surgery. If radiation or chemotherapy is needed, an oncologist will usually be the one to do these services. 


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. It can be acute or chronic. If you have a fever, a cough, you are tired and weak, or have postnasal drip and congestion, it is time to go to see your ENT for a diagnosis. A CT scan is one diagnostic tool that may be used. Treatment options include antibiotics since it is a bacterial infection and balloon sinus dilation, which the doctor can do right in the office to open up the sinuses, providing a permanent cure for chronic sinusitis. 

Hearing Loss

It isn't always easy to determine if you have hearing loss. It can happen gradually over time. By visiting your ENT, you can get a comprehensive hearing test to determine what you are currently hearing. Hearing loss is a medical condition and has many different causes. Babies get a routine hearing test before they leave the hospital and children are often tested at school or at their pediatrician. If your child has hearing issues or allergies, we have a pediatric otolaryngologist. You don't have to suffer in silence, hearing loss is a very treatable condition and your ENT can offer you the options you require. 

Thyroid Diseases

Your thyroid regulates metabolism in the body. It may become diseased and over or underperform or be enlarged. It may require surgical removal by your ENT. 

Ear Infections

Ear infections are very common conditions in children and adults. Your ENT can determine if you have an infection in the outer ear or the middle ear. If you have chronic ear infections that are causing pain and disrupting your life, they may recommend that you get tubes placed to drain the build-up of fluid behind the eardrum. While this is very common in children, adults may also require this surgery.

Contact Dr. Jesse Tan, Dr. Jesus Tan, and Dr. Rose Eapen of Tan Head and Neck Center when you are in need of ENT treatment in Long Beach, CA.  We can be reached for an appointment at (562) 988-8818 or on our website.